art. R3530

External textile vest with HYBRID airbag system

External leather vest with the revolutionary HYBRID airbag system. It is the most complete and safest airbag system for motorcyclists in the world. It inflates to a volume of 15L to protect the rider and is easy to recharge. It includes a CE 1621:2-2012 LEVEL 2 certified back protector. This is the first system that integrates two types of activation: MECHANICAL and ELECTRONIC, which coexist and can work together, all easily manageable and monitorable via a mobile app.


Gilet esterno in tessuto con sistema airbag meccanico

  • Airbag 15 litri V-RACE RR MECCANICO
  • Sistema ad attivazione esclusivamente meccanica
  • Indossabile sopra la tuta
  • Protezione cervicale, lombare, sacrale, clavicole e fianchi
  • Tempo di gonfiaggio 75 millisecondi
  • Ricaricabile autonomamente
  • Omologato Livello 1
  • Powered by MOTOAIRBAG
  • Airbag incluso
  • Upgrade per attivazione elettronica disponibile

V-RACE RR HYBRID It is the most complete airbag system in the world specifically designed for motorcyclists. It inflates to a volume of 15L and is extremely easy to recharge. It includes a CE 1621:2-2012 LEVEL 2 certified back protector. The system is HYBRID and allows you to choose between two different activation mechanisms: MECHANICAL and/or ELECTRONIC, which coexist and can also work together. Everything is then managed and monitored through the dedicated app on your smartphone. The firmware is regularly updated thanks to the continuous development by our engineers.

Protection Areas Thanks to its large inflation volume of 15L, the V-RACE RR HYBRID offers complete protection for the neck, lower back/sacrum, collarbones, shoulders, and chest. The maximum inflation time is around 75 ms. The V-RACE RR HYBRID airbag system is certified according to the specific motorcycle airbag standard EN 1621/4:2013 - LEVEL 1.

Electronic System The revolutionary V-RACE RR HYBRID technology is the first to introduce the concept of wireless anchoring (VIRTUAL CABLE TECHNOLOGY). The HYBRID system's control unit (CPU) integrates all the most advanced sensors for its inertial platform (accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS satellites), utilizing a processor with a high update frequency and computing power. This enables it to anticipate dangerous situations with extremely reduced reaction times.

Mechanic System The mechanical activation system can be used exclusively or work together simultaneously with the electronic system. The safety cable must be attached using the appropriate carabiner to the GIMOTO multidirectional anchoring tower, which is securely installed on the rear of the motorcycle. When using the system in mechanical-only mode, the control unit (CPU) must be turned off/deactivated.

Wearable Over the Suit The leather vest can be comfortably worn over any garment, whether it’s a leather suit, jacket, or sportswear.

Rechargeable Discover how easy it is to recharge the GIMOTO airbag system completely on your own and in under 5 minutes. Simply replace the cartridge and reset the device by following our instructions included in the RECHARGE KITS or by watching this short VIDEO TUTORIAL.


V-RACE Led In the AIR LINE suits, there is a LED status indicator that, once connected to the system's CPU, allows for monitoring the airbag status on the front of the suit.

CPU Bc RedTesla Next-generation CPU for electronic activation for the V-RACE RR HYBRID vest. Unmatched battery life and performance, no tethering to the motorcycle, automatic updates via Wi-Fi, and technical support through the V-RACE app.
More info >

APP Bc RedTesla The BC RED TESLA can be used for instant diagnostics of the CPU, check the CPU battery levels, choose the riding mode (TRACK or ROAD), and reset the CPU once the system has been activated. The V-RACE RR HYBRID airbag system operates correctly even without using the application!


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